by David Greenspoon | Jan 23, 2024 | Weddings
The traditional answer to this question presumes two Jewish people, a bride and a groom, and the traditional elements in this rite as understood for centuries. The details of the rites have varied over time and place. In the Middle Ages, the two parts of the ceremony...
by David Greenspoon | Jan 16, 2024 | Weddings
There are so many officiant choices out there! Rabbis and Cantors are formally trained Jewish clergy. Many other clergy beyond Judaism also perform weddings for the general bride and groom beyond their own denomination including secular or “spiritual but not...
by David Greenspoon | Jan 9, 2024 | Weddings
There is a vast array of people who conduct traditional Jewish weddings. Usually, the officiants will include a rabbi or a cantor and sometimes both. Most (but not all) rabbis and cantors in the US are ordained (rabbis) or invested (cantors) by seminaries with...
by David Greenspoon | Dec 13, 2023 | General
Insightful. Concise. Helpful. A career of experience meets a topic of your interest in less than 400 words at The Jewtique...